BreakFree: A Friendly Supportive Discussion Group

Are you new to the North East?

Perhaps you have changed careers?

Maybe your kids have left home and you are missing their company?

Are you newly divorced and looking to build new friendships?

Come along to our Friendship group, have a cuppa and a chat with other people in a similar position.

Here’s what you can expect:

A forum for discussion for people to share their feelings and experiences.

Learn more about yourself and what you would like to achieve

explore internal/external resources you need for personal/self development

have an opportunity to talk through issues / problems you are facing and choice you need to make

listen to others who may have similar feelings and experiences

help each other through sharing ideas and information and providing peer support


We aim to provide a forum for discussion where you can learn about yourself, share your goals and explore the resources you need to achieve your goals, a venue where you can meet on a regular basis to provide each other mutual support and understanding, and to enable you to meet others to discuss your situation, share your feelings and experiences in that they may also help others.

This is NOT a forum for someone who is currently undergoing help for addictions or experiencing personal crisis.


Most of our sessions are advertised on Eventbrite:

The first 20 minutes for each session are for people to come arrive, get themselves a drink & a seat and meet other people for informal conversation.  After the session starts late attenders will not be admitted as it disrupts the flow of the meeting – so if you are coming along please arrive on time.  🙂

All sessions take place at Newcastle Performance Coaching Limited, West Fifteen, Wickham View, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PE
