Tag Archives: personal development

What is the cost of Fear

Many people have goals (whether or not they call them goals), thing they want to achieve in their life for example relationships, work, family or business.

A huge proportion of those people will not achieve their goals for many reasons, maybe their situation changes, perhaps the goal is not right for them … or there are surmountable obstacles in the way that stop people in their tracks.

So why do people not achieve their goal if the obstacle can be overcome?  Well sometimes the goal is not right for them and they know it – or the fear of achieving their goal itself can be scary.

Whatever your fear it will be costing you something – whether it be physically or emotionally or financially.  What is it that you are in fear of right now that is holding you back?  Come up with at least 20 things that it is costing you and what are the hidden benefits of having the fear.

For example

  1. Losing a significant amount of weight and becoming more attractive to others can be scary for some people with low self esteem.
  2. Moving on after a relationship – starting to date again, worrying that the next relationship will end for similar reasons, e.g. cheating, violence, debts etc
  3. Working in a job that makes you unhappy – but worried to leave incase you don’t get another job – or fear of taking another job and it not working out.
  4. Business – setting up on your own and finding that you can’t get clients or sell your products

There are many situations where fear can hold us back but what can we do about it? Firstly acknowledge the fear then take action – books, coaching groups and 1:1 coaching are all great methods that can help you overcome your fears and help you move forward in life and in business.

My tips is:

  • Acknowledge the Fear – what exactly are you scared of
  • Rate it 1-10 (10 being really scary)
  • How ‘real’ is the fear?
  • Explore ways you can overcome the fear
  • Take Action
  • Celebrate you Success at overcoming your Fear.

As you overcome your fears you will find your confidence levels increase – so which of your fears will you work on first – and why?

There are some great books on overing coming fear and self doubt.  Susan Jeffers book ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway’ is our Personal Development Book Club title this month  (If you are interested – contact us or book your place on Eventbrite)

We also run regular workshops to help you deal with ‘Fear and Self Doubt’ – see Eventbrite for the upcoming sessions.

Eventbrite link to all our sessions: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/newcastle-performance-coaching-limited-6295082261

Our 1:1 coaching, workshops and talk sessions run from our office; West Fifteen, Wickham View, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 6UN


Press Release: BreakFree to a Happier Life

BreakFree to a Happier Life

31 December 2014


January 01, 2015

BreakFree in 2015 to a Happier Life
Achieve Your Goals with Group Coaching Sessions in Newcastle

Get the maximum benefits of working with a Personal Development Consultant as well as a having the chance to evolve alongside a dynamic group of people also seeking a similar outcome.

Newcastle Performance Coaching Limited are launching their new ‘BreakFree’ series of group coaching sessions in Newcastle. There is a wide variety of sessions available.

In addition to Goal Setting sessions for clients to set their 2015 goals they also run ‘Vision Board’ workshops where clients can create a visual representation of their goals for the year.

Also available are sessions for Finding Happiness, Developing Relationships, Building Confidence, Managing Stress, Mastering Work-Life Balance, Effective Decision Making.

As well as personal development sessions Newcastle Performance Coaching also a monthly Book Discussion group as well as a regular Friendship group; ideal for people new to the area or have found themselves wanting to get out more after their children have flown the nest or post divorce.

Head Coach Aly says “Not only do our clients come along to work on their goals but genuine friendships are often formed. Our clients will often return again and again as the sessions are great value and enjoyable.”

Regular coaching groups enable people to work on goals that help find that inner happiness, grow in confidence and shake of self limiting beliefs enabling them to embark upon new things.

Those in the group sessions learn what it’s like to shed those past experiences which may have held them back in life and approach living with gusto and variety. Many try out new hobbies, get out more with new found friends, develop fresh skills, as well as achieving dynamic personal growth.

The coaches also welcome clients to join them for social events in Newcastle whether it be for meal, a drink or a coffee – a great way to keep in touch with people they’ve met in the sessions and build new friendships – ideal for clients working on an improved social life or building confidence and are unsure where to start.

With the prospect of starting off 2015 on a better, more inspiring direction why wouldn’t you want to join in these great sessions and make 2015 your best year yet?

When you head along to any of the sessions you can expect a relaxed, informal small group of people, there is plenty of coffee and biscuits available – you’re very unlikely to see flip charts, Power Point Presentations or handouts – things are kept relaxed and enjoyable so people feel comfortable and able to get involved in the session. All you need to bring along is a pen, paper and open mind.

The focus of the 2015 Coaching Series is to ‘BreakFree’ from the norm – so come along and get involved – say goodbye to humdrum and mundane and say hello to a vibrant new life to make 2015 your best year yet.

Book into a sessions on Eventbrite, new sessions are added weekly, http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/newcastle-performance-coaching-limited-6295082261

Vision Board Workshop – December 2013

Vision Boards – A Great Tool to Start the New Year Focused and Excited!


Creating a Vision Board enables our mind to focus on the things that are important to us!


An example of how a cardboard Vision Board cou...
An example of how a cardboard Vision Board could look like (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Come along to this great workshop and create yours.


Your Vision Board can help you to


  • Clarify who you are, what you want or where you are going.
  • Get your new year off to a focused start.
  • Tap into your inner wisdom and create New Year goals.




What is a Vision Board?


A Vision Board is simply a collective name for a wide variety of inspirational project created created from pictures.


It could be about WHO we want to be or HOW we want our lives to be but it’s a visual representation of our goals and dreams—a powerful way to make our aspirations more tangible and attainable.


Vision Board
Vision Board (Photo credit: amypalko)


How do Vision Boards work?


Our minds can only hold about 7 pieces of information at any one time. And yet there are millions of pieces of information available to us at every moment (think about everything you can see/hear/feel for starters).


Just creating a vision board tells our mind what’s important to us.




Creating a Vision Board.


Choose some pictures, words, quotes that inspire or motivate you and then we organize them onto a big piece of paper, giving  it a title and date.


This is when we get creative, we’ll be using cardboard, scissors, coloured pens, glue and a supply of inspirational magazines to cut out pictures to create your Vision Board.


This workshop is not just about creating your Vision Board but as much about the people you meet and the sharing of goals and aspirations for the future with others.




We also run regular Law of Attraction Workshops – see our workshop for details.


Come along and get creative.


There is a charge payable for this event


  • £25 PDCNE members
  • £49 non-members
  • Refreshments (tea/coffee) are provided


Check out our website: http://www.meetup.com/Personal-Development-Circle-North-East/events/116110042/


This workshop will be held in Newcastle upon Tyne – venue to be confirmed.









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De-stress workshop



It doesn’t matter if you are new to such NLP or any other techniques, new to this group, or currently suffering from a lack of confidence in any area, our mission is to help you leave the session with tools out with you into the real world.


Each month we cover a different coaching topic, personal development or NLP topic that gives you tools to use on yourself and others, whether you are a private individual or a person seeking professional tips.


We are friendly social group that meets once a month usually upstairs at the new Costa Coffee in Trinity Square Gateshead.



Meetings are typically held on different Saturday mornings 10-12 noon(ish) but dates and venues may vary so keep an eye on the website and please sign up to the group.


You are expected to buy your own coffee or refreshments, hence the very affordable price option.


Your presenters are:


Jay Arnott, personal development coach, NLP Trainer, and hypnotherapist:






Aly, Personal Development Coach, Complete Mind Therapist and Stress Consultant for Professional People in the North East.


(Newcastle Performance Coaching) www.geordie-coach.com/




English: Cup of Costa coffee.
English: Cup of Costa coffee. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




£10 (please pay CASH on arrival) – Refreshments NOT included







Sign up for this event and get members discounts here:




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Why Would You Want To Use A Personal Coach?

Why use a Personal Coach? There are many personal coaches (aka Life coaches) around the world, you can get amazing results through working with a Personal Coach.  Here is a short article on Personal Coaching and situations that clients will come to Personal Coaches for.

Do you ever feel that:

* Your life is out of your control?
* You are not where you could be or want to be?
* You don’t really receive the recognition you deserve?
* You don’t feel safe and secure in your relationships?
* You are often overlooked and undermined?
* You have strong desire but lack belief in your ability or the future?
* You are working harder but can’t seem to make any progress?
* You are frustrated because you can’t seem to break through the barriers in your life
* You are settling for less because it is still better than what other people have?

Do you ever wish that:

* You could have more confidence to do the things you really want to?
* You had more self esteem to stand up for what you believe in?
* You could command respect from your colleagues?
* You could impress others when they meet you?
* You could communicate your ideas with ease?
* You could stand up and speak in public?

What if you could do the above and:

* Eliminate Stress, Fear and Anxiety?
* Reclaim your Health by losing weight, quitting smoking, or dealing with other addictions?
* Improve all of your Relationships?
* Develop your Confidence and Self Esteem?
* Have more control over your life?
* Understand why people see you the way they do?
* Learn how to avoid these problems in the future?

Would you be willing to take the action necessary to bring about these outcomes? Is it just a wish you have, or is it a real desire to change? Have you ever thought “I deserve the best I can get in life and will do whatever it takes to get the best” If you are ready to give yourself the best in life, then please read contact us.

By the way the basic componants of behaviour are:

Be(behaviour)= Feel+Wish+Do

Each of us has a differing capacity of each, some prefer The Feelings (emotions) , some perfer Doing ( action) and other the Wishing( thoughts) , each has a profound cost and pay off. It also determines how you show up in life! And the capacity with which you live it fully,completely without limits. Only to figure that most of the programming to your behaviour happened at an unconcious level before your were even aware it existed. The turth of the matter is, by becoming aware of it you can then do something about it, and one of the best ways is with your Personal Success Coach.

As a Personal Success Coach I can work closely with you as you work on your goals, working with a coach will enable you to reach your goals quicker than should you have worked alone.

Further Reading

Be Your Own Life Coach: How to Take Control of Your Life and Achieve Your Wildest Dreams by Fiona Harrold

Brilliant Life Coach: 10 Inspirational Steps to Transform Your Life by Annie Lionnet

Brilliant Life: How to Live a Brilliant, Balanced Life by Michael Heppell

Life Coaching for Dummies by Jeni Mumford

Life Coaching – Change you life in 7 days: Change Your Life in Seven Days by Eileen Mulligan

Transformational Life Coaching: Creating Limitless Opportunities for Yourself and Others by Cheri Carter-Scott and Lynn U Stewart

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Using The Law Of Attraction With Goals

Many people think there is a conflict between the Law of Attraction, as taught in “The Secret” and goal-setting. The belief that you should let the Universe decide how to bring you your goal seems to conflict with planning your goal strategy. However, these two approaches are compatible. Let me explain.

A great majority of people believe that it is wrong to be too specific when they set goals. After viewing films like “The Secret”, which is wonderful and enlightening, some people have the false belief that being specific is the wrong approach. Many teachers in this movie guide you towards allowing the Universe to decide how you get what you want. So if we follow this approach how does setting a goal, complete with a plan for its attainment, fit into this attraction process?

Well, anyone who has achieved an objective through traditional goal-setting methods is well aware that including specific details is the key to its attainment. They fully realize that being as specific as you can increases the likelihood of achieving your goal. These specifics should include completion date, a plan to follow that will lead to the achievement of the goal, stepping stone goals and highly specific details of the goal itself. For example, you may set a goal to have an increase in turn-over of $10,000 by the end of the quarter. You immediately devise a plan to increase sales and begin to build your goal steps by setting smaller goals that will lead to bigger goals that will lead to the attainment of your desired outcome. So how does this fit into ‘The Universe knows the best way’ approach offered by most law of attraction experts?

Well it’s really very simple. When these teachers talk of not getting caught up in the specifics they do not mean the goal itself. They are referring to the delivery method of the goal. The Law of Attraction is always responding to your personal vibration. Your vibration is affected by what you think and how you feel. So if you get specific in your goal and even set time-limits for specific tasks then the Law of Attraction is responding to those thoughts and the feelings associated with them. By staying focused on the specifics your desired outcome and feeling very positive emotions about it and the attainment of it, you are adding tremendous power to the workings of the Law of Attraction. As long as you don’t feel negative about your goal, or the plan you have devised, goal-setting like this can be very powerful.

However, if you set your aims too high, or make your goals unrealistic, then the Law of Attraction will work against you! You feel overwhelmed, doubtful and stressed. The Law will respond to this and your attraction vibration will be the opposite of what you want. By over-stretching yourself you will get negative thoughts and feelings about your goal. But by setting realistic goals, that do still stretch you, you can fully utilize the Law of Attraction to your advantage.

One key element of the Law of Attraction is that you always get more of what you focus on. Placing your attention on certain things consistently makes them grow and expand. So, by setting goals and working a plan to achieve it you are actually focusing your energy, thoughts and emotions towards that of the desired objective. By having set time-limits for the achievement of each step of your goal and the goal itself your thoughts, energy and feelings are also focused in that direction. Thus you are following one of the fundamental rules of the Law of Attraction – what you put our attention on expands. However, don’t get caught up on the one channel of distribution. Be open to the universe bringing you your goal any way it sees fit! You can still be specific about your plan but remain flexible and look for other opportunities.

The key is to always remain focused on the goal itself and not on the lack of it! You must also ensure you do not get frustrated if it appears that you may not reach your goal in the time-limit you specified. These are draw-backs of goal-setting as far as the Law of Attraction is concerned. However, they can be over-come.

Set realistic easily managed goals at first. Once you become proficient at goal-achievement you can start to stretch yourself a little more each time. As you begin to see overwhelming evidence that the Law of Attraction exists and that it is working in your favour you will be able to set you goals higher and bigger until there is nothing you cannot achieve.

Remember that when you reach for a goal to generate as much positive thoughts and feelings you can as they will ad power to your efforts through the Law of Attraction thus attracting more and more things to you that will get you closer and closer to your objective, until finally it falls in your lap!

Further Reading

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne

The Vortex: Where The Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships (Teachings of Abraham) by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks

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Easy Ways to Find Happiness

Wayne Dyer.  Image via Wikipedia

What is it that people REALLY want?  Often people think that what they want is money, relationship, material possessions, but what they truly want is happiness. One of the key things I do as a coach is to find out what is it they truly want that those things will give. 

Wealth, health and relationship are just the rewards of being happy.  Happiness is a state of vibration that is in harmony with the Universe. As many of us know, the same frequency vibrations tend to attract each other, so the vibration of happiness is going to attract more wealth, better relationship and better health, since these things is going to add more happiness to your life, and they are in the same vibration. If you go after money, you may not get it, if you go after happiness, money will flow to you. The same apply to relationship and health. 

I believe the ultimate goal in life for many of us is to achieve a state of well being, or we can simply say happiness.  Is there an easier way to achieve happiness? The answer is Yes! and here is how.

I had learned one phrase from Dr Wayne Dyer, and I would never forget. The phrase is ” How may I serve?”. Dr Dyer said that before his seminars, he will always sit for mediation, and repeat the phrase as a mantra “How may I serve… How may I serve?”. He never bring any notes with him, and when he speaks, the words just keep flowing to him. He knows exactly what to say, and what to teach.  Dr Wayne Dyer is a great role model. He  has achieved great success in almost every ear of his life.

If the single most important element to Dr Wayne Dyer’s success is this mantra “How may I serve?” then ask yourself now “How may I serve?”. This is the key to ultimate happiness and fulfillment in life.

The most enjoyable things I do is writing articles that can makes a difference in the quality of people’s life, to give them inspiration and motivation to create life they would love to have. Whenever I finish writing an article, I feel the positive energy and hope the reader will feel the same. Sometimes the ideas just come, and I put my fingers on the keyboards, then words just starts following.

How does this process work, the Law of Attraction principles state that the information does not come from me, it comes from God (or the Higher Intelligence, the Universe), I am only an channel for the information to flow. I am a channel that God has created to serve the world.  Because that is what I am here for, so when I am serving, I feel positive energy, and I feel happy.

I have learned that my life purpose is to serve, from early days I have been motivated to nuture, empathise, inspire and motivate others.  I was a go getter.  What is your life purpose?  Ask yourself what it is that God (the Universe or whoever your higher being is) wants me to learn, what is it that you are here on earth for.  You will only truly feel fulfilled once you realize this truth.

Is your life purpose is to serve?  I am sure you have heard of that “If you seek happiness for yourself, it will always elude you, if you seek happiness for others, you will find it for yourself.” I know this is why every time I write an article, a book, work with a client I feel so happy, because  I know that I am benefiting others and that will change their world to some extent. 

Maybe 90% of people will not take any action after they read an inspiring article or book, this is nature of human being., but I know as long as they they are absorbing new information, their awareness is expanded, and they will see the difference in the long run. It is less than 10% of people who do actually take actions and it is those peope who are going to change their lives for the better.

Starting today find ways to help other people . Find some way to serve. You will get addicted to it, because it is so enjoyable to help. Your help is going to change people’s lives.  The person who benefits the most is not the one you give service to, but yourself. You may find it sounds strange, but this is true, and it is governed by the universal law of cause and effect.  Anything you cause others to experience will come back to you, and multiplied.  If you cause others to experience love, you will find more love in your life; If you cause others to have wealth, you will have more  in your own life; if you cause others to succeed, you are guaranteed to succeed.  This is the law of the universe, and it never fails.

So, whatever you want to experience in your life, cause others to experience first. This is the most powerful ways to attain your own desires, and the easiest way to achieve happiness

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